Friday, 9 October 2009

Why do you love WPF (if you not, then you can stop reading from here)?

I'll try to answer this question.

1) It has a cool name (though Avalon was better).
2) It offers a new layout model.
3) XAML (XAML is not only a WPF feature, but it is really good object-oriented xml-based language).
4) WPF is built on top of DirectX (not WinAPI)
5) Animation support. We can animate whatever we like - resizing, rotating etc.
6) Styling and Templates. All controls were designed to be lookless. It means that we can re-style all controls and give them any appearance we like.
7) 3D support
8) Documents processing
9) Data Binding
10) Media support (playing audio, video, etc.)

This list is far from to be complete (full list you can read on msdn - if you really want to). So the main idea is pretty obvious - WPF is great, isn't it?

Thursday, 17 September 2009

First post

So this is my first post at this blog. I'm going to write here mostly about WPF but sometimes you can find here some notes about cars, football (I'm talking about soccer - not american football :-)) and some other aspects of our life.