Monday 30 August 2010

WPF Animated Panel

I've opened project on codeplex named AnimatedPanel ( The main idea of the project is to create a custom WPF control that allows animating items (while sorting, changing window size, etc.) (inspired by Currently there is a second release which has the following features implemented:
1) Animation of items on window resize
2) Animation of items on sorting.
3) Animation of deleted item

Points 2) and 3) are "mutually exclusive" (i.e. you cannot use animated sorting and animated removing together). The reason why you cannot use them both at the same time is technical - I can't find a way ho to do this.

In the nearest future I'm going to implement the following features:
1) Support for Silverlight (if it's possible).
2) Grouping support

You can download the second release by direct link:
In the next post I'm going to explain how does that Animation work.

Stay in touch.


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